Hello, dear readers!

I wear a lot of hats in this ol’ world. I’m the mother of two teens and the Alpha to my little furry doggy friend. I’m a wife who appreciates her husband holding down the fort while I go have fun Karate adventures. I’m a YMCA employee, albeit I’m only “on call” as a substitute Water Fitness instructor. And of course, I’m a karateka – along with that I’ve taken on some extra responsibilities by serving as a dojo representative on the Board of Directors (fundraising and special events) and also with being a “dojo mom,” helping out as needed. I’m a bit pressed for time.
Based on the new katas I’m going to need for the next belt test, I have determined I’m now at the equivalent level of where I was when I left Karate all those years ago when I was a teenager (the styles are very similar). I know now that the biggest contributing factor to my leaving Karate years ago was a medical condition I didn’t even know I had until roughly eighteen years later. Circumstances are in my favor this time around. I’ve been just fine this past year.
I’m ready to pick up where I left off and go beyond. That’s going to involve a lot of discipline, some more time, and of course some sweat.
My “home” dojo meets only twice a week, one hour per class. I’ve been doing pretty well finding opportunities to attend classes at sister dojos. That will still happen from time to time. But it’s not enough. I would like to be even more athletic so my body will meet the challenges and expectations that come with my brand new rank. To that end, I’ve added fitness classes and more Karate practice time.
One of the changes I’m making is to spend half as much time on this blog. I’m thinking one post every two weeks would be about the right pace for me. It’s not that Karate isn’t inspiring to me anymore, it’s just I need to carve out a little more time to actually do Karate 🙂
I very much appreciate you, my readers, for all the encouragement and feedback you’ve given me. Thank you for understanding what I need to do now.
Best of luck in all you do!
Ossu and thank you, Andrea 🙂
A time to reap, a time to sow. Do your thing and grow, grow, grow! 🙂
Thank you very much for your encouragement, Ando! It means a lot 🙂